Monday, September 25, 2006

Fiona's Post

Hey there
Ogre and I have been fighting over attention, so I though I would have my own post. Now that I'm better we having been fighting over toys like crazy. He thinks they are his because he is bigger and older. Not always true! Mom bought me my own Teddy, and it is so ripped up now. I still cling on to my fave piece.

Yeah, I still sleep in the cat climber. They don't use the bottom tube anyway. It's real comfortable. The cats are always strutting around like they own the place. WELL, they don't. In fact Mom has said she has homes for them away from us. I guess Minx is going with his original owner, Jessica, in Boston. Stimpy is going to live with an uncle in NY. SO that leaves me and brother to stay with mom. That's cool.

Well, Ogre wants to have his own post so I'll get going for now.


At 5:55 PM, Blogger Mz M said...

Naw, mom promiced that to Minx's owner. Bummer too, it's my fave place!


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