Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Mom is Messing with ME

This is down right pittiful! See, mom has been telling me we are about to move back to their homestate of Oregon. Ok, not sure what that means for me but I guess I'll find out. But I tell you what I am now missing!

In the SAME day my mom sold my outdoor kennel, and gave my sis Fiona to the neighbor lady. Ok, I hate to admit Fiona was getting on my nerves, but to get rif of my kennel too! The injustice of it all.

Mom took so pics, which after her test today she will scan them into the computer.

As for Fiona, rest assure she is in a good place. The people next door are really good. She has a new step-brother name Toby, the mom is at home, and there are 2 kids for her to play with. OH, and for Booger, the lady is German and there is always the chance of Fiona still visiting there? The lady there said she would be willing to bring her? Maybe?

But MY kennel. Now I get tied up to go out back. My mom and boy child have been taking me on walks, which is nice, but now I spend half the time outside I used to. Cource with the rain we have been haing it isn't all a bad thing.

Well, thats all for now. I'm going to sneak upstairs to take moms bed. I might as well make the most of the situation.



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